2012年1月18日 星期三

ES Lashes (A813) From KKCenterHK. by bebe-doll

Another long over­due review. LMAO:bib3: I know most of you are all wait­ing for my makeup tuto­ri­als again. Unfor­tu­nately, I need to fin­ish my pend­ing prod­uct reviews & paid theme requests first then I can work on a new video for you guys. All I thought I can fin­ish all of the cir­cle lenses &prod­uct reviews on our Christ­mas break, buu­uut.. a lot of things hap­pened offline. so yeah… :synic: And not to men­tion that I got 2 sites to man­age at the moment. ~galp. :drops:
And again, here’s the sec­ond box of ES lashes that I got from kkcenterhk.com. This actu­ally came with my ES A886 LASHES but decided to do sep­a­rate reviews on each boxes.
Mov­ing on with the review on ES A813 (upper lashes).…

I cur­rently so in love with this lashes! I love the way it looks nat­ural yet sexy at the same time. As what I’ve told, I am sucker for either full thick / full thin lashes. And I must say that this is the mod­er­ate one. Every­thing met halfway! :uptum: These seem like the kinds of nat­ural lashes that peo­ple who have gone to cos­me­tol­ogy school would use. :uptum:

Vol­ume & Length: 
It’s not that long which makes it nat­u­rally sexy. This design didn’t came from the “dra­matic lashes” cat­e­gory. So I must say that this is the aver­age lashes. If you’re that too con­scious on wear­ing falsies but still you wanna add an extra vol­ume & length to those nat­ural lashes, then go for this lashes! :star:
This lashes eas­ily bends so there­fore it is eas­ily applied too. :sparkle:


worn on my pre­vi­ous look

worn on my pre­vi­ous look

6 pieces to keep for 2012??
ES A813 Lashes was gen­er­ously spon­sored by kkcenterhk.com :love:
Coupon Code: BLGB641DO10; Coupon Amount: 10% Off; End Date: Feb. 28, 2012

Thank you, bebe-doll
Check out bebe-doll blog

